teaching kids stranger danger

Teaching Kids Stranger Danger: A Complete Guide

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As a parent, your top priority is keeping your child safe at all times. One of the biggest concerns for parents is the safety of their children when they are out of sight, especially when it comes to interacting with strangers. That’s why it’s important to teach your child about “stranger danger,” the concept of avoiding and being cautious around people they don’t know.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the importance of teaching kids stranger danger, ways to teach them about it, and organizations that can help you with this process. Be sure to check out our guide on cyber safety, too.

Why Teach Kids about Stranger Danger?

Experts recommend that parents start talking to their children about stranger danger as early as three years old. While it may seem like a young age, children as young as three are able to understand and retain basic safety concepts.

It’s important to use age-appropriate language and concepts when discussing stranger danger with young children, but it’s never too early to start teaching them about personal safety.

As children get older and their understanding of the world grows, parents can continue to build on these concepts and have more in-depth conversations about staying safe around strangers.

There are several reasons why teaching kids about stranger danger is important. Here are some of them:

  1. Protection from Potential Danger: The most obvious reason to teach kids about stranger danger is to protect them from potential harm. Children are more vulnerable to danger when they are alone or with strangers. By teaching them to be cautious and avoid unknown people, you can help keep them safe.
  2. Empowerment: Teaching kids about stranger danger can also empower them to take charge of their own safety. It gives them the knowledge and skills they need to recognize potential danger and avoid it.
  3. Awareness of Surroundings: When kids are taught about stranger danger, they become more aware of their surroundings. They learn to pay attention to their environment and look for potential dangers, which can help them stay safe.
  4. Confidence: By teaching kids about stranger danger, you can boost their confidence in their ability to navigate potentially dangerous situations. They’ll feel more prepared and less afraid, which can help them stay safe.

Ways to Teach Kids about Stranger Danger

Now that you understand why it’s important to teach kids about stranger danger, let’s explore some ways to do it:

  1. Start with Basic Concepts: Begin by teaching your child basic concepts such as what a stranger is and why it’s important to be cautious around them. You can use age-appropriate language to explain these concepts in a way that your child can understand.
  2. Role Play: Role-playing is an effective way to teach kids about stranger danger. You can act out scenarios with your child, such as what to do if a stranger approaches them or asks them to come with them. This will help your child understand what to do in real-life situations.
  3. Teach Them to Trust Their Instincts: Encourage your child to trust their instincts when it comes to interacting with strangers. If they feel uncomfortable or scared, they should know that it’s okay to say no and walk away.
  4. Teach Them to Be Assertive: Teach your child to be assertive when it comes to dealing with strangers. They should know how to say “no” and “stop” if someone is making them uncomfortable.
  5. Practice Scenarios: Practice different scenarios with your child, such as what to do if they get lost or separated from you in a public place. Make sure they know what to do in these situations and who to turn to for help.

Stranger Danger Children’s Books

Books are great resources for parents who want to teach their children about stranger danger in a fun and engaging way. By reading these books together, parents can start important conversations about safety and help their children develop the skills they need to stay safe.

Here are three popular children’s books that cover the topic of stranger danger and are great for parents to read with their kids:

  1. The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers” by Stan and Jan Berenstain: This classic book is a great resource for teaching young children about stranger danger. It uses simple language and colorful illustrations to explain what a stranger is and how to stay safe.
  2. I Can Be Safe: A First Look at Safety” by Pat Thomas: This book is part of a series that teaches children about important safety topics, including stranger danger. It covers topics such as trusting instincts, being assertive, and staying safe in public places.
  3. I Won’t Go with Strangers” by Dagmar Geisler: This book is a great resource for teaching children about the dangers of going with strangers. It uses age-appropriate language and illustrations to explain why it’s important to stay safe and avoid going with unknown people.

Organizations that Can Help

Several organizations are dedicated to teaching kids about stranger danger and helping parents keep their children safe. Here are some of them:

  1. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a nonprofit organization that provides resources and education to help prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation. (https://www.missingkids.org/home)
  2. Child Find of America: Child Find of America is a nonprofit organization that works to locate missing children and prevent child abduction through education and advocacy. (https://childfindofamerica.org/)
  3. The Safe Side: The Safe Side is a program designed to teach kids about safety, including stranger danger, in a fun and interactive way. They offer videos, books, and games that teach kids about personal safety, internet safety, and other important topics. (https://www.thesafeside.com/)
  4. Kidpower: Kidpower is a nonprofit organization that provides training and resources to help children and adults stay safe from bullying, harassment, and other types of violence. They offer programs for schools, families, and individuals, as well as online resources and books. (https://www.kidpower.org/)


Teaching kids about stranger danger is an essential part of keeping them safe. By empowering your child with knowledge and skills, you can help them stay aware of their surroundings, trust their instincts, and navigate potentially dangerous situations. There are several organizations that can assist you with this process, and it’s important to take advantage of these resources to ensure your child’s safety.

Remember to approach the topic of stranger danger in a way that is age-appropriate and not scary. By using a friendly and reassuring tone, you can help your child feel confident and prepared to stay safe. By working together, we can help protect our children from potential harm and give them the tools they need to thrive in the world.


About the Author


Hi there! I'm Jason, the proud dad behind Bearbino. This site was created out of my love for my children and dedication as their father to ensure their safety and well-being as best as I can. I'm thrilled to share with you these guides, resources, and tips that will hopefully help you keep your family and home safe, secure, and filled with fun.

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